I’ve Gone and Done It

…..I’m officially unemployed. I left work Friday for the last time for the foreseeable future.

People ask me “how does it feel?”or just assume how it feels and says, “you must feel great!” or “how relieved you must be.” The truth is, right now, as I type this, it just feels like Saturday morning (because it is). We have plans for the afternoon just like we would on any normal weekend day. I’m sure it will sink in over the coming for weeks but for now, happy Saturday!

We have experienced the entire spectrum of emotions over the last week; from excitement to fear and everywhere in between. We are leaving behind great friends, great jobs, and a great hometown, and we are leaving it all for the unknown. We decided some time ago to live with no regrets, and no matter the outcome of this new adventure, we have confidence we will look back on this time with a warm heart. As blessed as we have been in our lives with living the American Dream, I feel more alive today than ever.

Today is the day we finally get to “Live the Voyage!”

2 thoughts on “I’ve Gone and Done It

  1. Wishing you good luck and safe travels in following your dream!😍

  2. I truly envy you for doing what so many of us only dream to do!
    I wish you much happiness and most of all that you and your family will be safe.

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